Study Resources

Gospel Broadcasting Network

Since 2005, we’ve provided ongoing resources to share the truth of the Gospel 24 hours a day, Sunday through Saturday. We offer free radio, live stream videos, Bible correspondence courses, audio podcasts and daily devotional resources to all viewers.

Our goal is to help those seeking the truth among distorted Biblical teachings. We want to reach every soul with the truth of the Gospel and then to support them on their path to salvation.

The Gospel Journal

The Gospel Journal is a non-profit organization, dedicated to spreading God’s word. The Journal was founded in 2000 and has gone through many different changes, but the intent and message have always been to evangelize and teach. The Journal prides itself on bible-based topics with a book chapter and verse for its subjects. The writers are encouraged to let the Bible speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent. The Journal strives to answer the restoration plea of New Testament Christianity. All staff are faithful members of the Church of Christ, the church which was established in AD 33.

Printing Quality Articles about the Gospel for over 20 years

House to House - Heart to Heart

Our #1 priority is saving souls. We believe that many people are still searching for truth. We share your interest in the growth of the church, which is why we hold ourselves to the highest standards in this effort to spread the Gospel.

Every page of House to House Heart to Heart is loaded with Bible-based teaching, and Scripture is on each page. You can count on us to represent you to your community in a positive light.

Through the last twenty years, we have worked with thousands of congregations to get the Gospel to millions of people, and we want to help your congregation reach your friends and neighbors.

Memphis School of Preaching

Preparing men to preach the word of God!